Scleroderma Is Not A Part Of Your Gut

Scleroderma Is Not A Part Of Your Gut

Numerous people have scleroderma and are not even aware of it.  Autoimmune diseases have their way of sneaking up on you and shocking you into the next year.

It is an ugly connective tissue disease that causes your skin to thicken, and it can cause you to have all types of scarring, problems with your blood vessels, lots of pain, and all generated by your immune system being overactive.

You may have even heard of CREST syndrome which is one form of scleroderma.

An autoimmune disease is an illness that will occur when your body’s tissues start coming under attack by your own immune system.  It is characterized by scar tissue on your skin.  It causes firmness and a thickness of your skin that is involved, sometimes causing your skin to appear shiny.  Almost the same thing can happen to your internal organs, for example, your kidneys.

Scleroderma can be widespread throughout your body and affect many internal organs, or it can be localized.  With systemic scleroderma, it can be either diffuse or limited, and this is dependent upon how much of the skin is involved.

What causes someone to develop scleroderma has not been discovered.  During research, they feel they have identified evidence that there are specific genes that are playing a part in the hereditary factors, but your environment can play a significant role as well.  The harsh reality is the immune system becomes so activated that it starts causing all kinds of damage and injury to your tissues and the lining of your tiny blood vessels that causes scar tissue that in turn builds up as excess collagen and hardening of the area being affected.

You will find the disease more often in females than in males, and there seems to be a factor that the Choctaw Native Americans seem to have a high prevalence of scleroderma.  As I write this, it seems many of the autoimmune disorders can be traced back to many of the Native Americans.

When someone develops widespread scleroderma, it will involve not only their skin but their internal organs.  It is systemic sclerosis and will cause thickening of your skin symmetrically on your face, trunk (abdomen, flanks, chest, back) that could progress rapidly to being very hard after you have suffered an inflammatory phase or “flare” if you will.

Unfortunately, diseases of the organs can start early on and shorten one’s life.  It can be serious.  You will find that the organs usually affected will be your lungs, kidneys, esophagus, colon, heart and they are affected by scarring.  High blood pressure can cause issues and will often lead to kidney failure.

Since scleroderma can involve your esophagus, kidneys, skin, colon, blood pressure, lungs, blood vessels, you will find that the symptoms can cover many parts of your body.

The disease affects your skin and can cause redness, tenderness, swelling, pain, and itching which can cause skin tightness and hardening.  The skin changes can cover a large area of your body, but mostly it will affect your feet, fingers, neck, and face.

It is not uncommon for scleroderma to affect your esophagus causing heartburn.  It is because of the stomach acid coming back up in your throat.  It causes scarring in that area and leads to your esophagus narrowing and will cause you to have a hard time swallowing your food and sometimes cause you a hard pain in the center of your chest.

If you have elevated blood pressure, it can lead to kidney damage for you and find yourself in a renal crisis.  Your symptoms could likely include fatigue, headache, and even stroke.  You must be careful to monitor your blood pressure if you have scleroderma and control it judiciously.

If your lungs become inflamed because of this disease, it will cause shortness of breath, scarring, and the shortness of breath will be worse when you exert yourself.  If the pressure gets higher in the arteries of your lungs (called pulmonary hypertension), it will also cause you to have shortness of breath.

If the heart is involved, the scleroderma can damage the muscle of the heart, cause abnormal electrical heart activity, irregular heart rhythms, and pericarditis.

Those suffering from scleroderma have an increased risk to develop lung cancer.  If you smoke, then your risk is even higher.

If scleroderma happens to affect your large bowel, it will usually cause constipation, but it can at the same time just as well cause diarrhea and cramping.  If it gets severe, a complete blockage of stool (fecal impaction) could result.

Those who suffer from scleroderma will find themselves with cramping, constipation, and diarrhea that can sometimes be caused by bacteria that can be treated with specific antibiotics.  The more fluids you can drink, the more fiber you can take in are generally the best measures to help you reduce the above symptoms when it comes to your bowels.

Scleroderma is a harsh mistress and can start to affect any part of your body at any time.  It will seem as if it happens almost overnight and you will wonder where and when it happened.  It may be working against you all along, but then it will decide to rear its ugly head, and you will be so surprised to find out that it is connected with scleroderma and already done a world of damage.

Super Colon Cleanse is a great natural cleanser for you to take to keep your colon working as it naturally should without pain or cramping and lets you go as nature intended.

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