Could A Rectocele Be Causing Your Chronic Constipation?

Could A Rectocele Be Causing Your Chronic Constipation?

Could You Have a Rectocele Causing Your Chronic Constipation?

For those of you reading this article and do not know what a rectocele might be, read on.  It is a herniation or a bulge in your rectum coming from the front wall pushing through to the back wall of your vagina.

The tissue located between your vagina and rectum is called the recto-vaginal septum.   It can become weak and thinned out over time, causing a rectocele to result.

If the rectocele stays small, you usually do not have any symptoms.  The rectocele might be an incidental finding or might occur because of the generalized weakening of your pelvic floor muscles.  You have other pelvic organs like your bladder (cystocele) and your small intestine (enterocele), that can bulge out into your vagina. They all lead to the same type symptoms as a rectocele.

The cause of a rectocele is not known, but a symptomatic rectocele occurs with the weakening of the pelvic floor.  There are many things that can cause weakening of your pelvic floor.  For instance, multiple vaginal deliveries, advanced age, birthing trauma during a vaginal birth (for instance, vacuum delivery, forceps delivery, tearing during vaginal birth, episiotomy while delivering vaginally).

But, if you have a history of chronic constipation and you have to strain hard with your bowel movements; it is thought it could contribute to developing a rectocele.  If you have had several gynecological or even rectal surgeries, they can lead to your pelvic floor being weakened and possibly a rectocele formation.

Most of the time if you have a rectocele you will have no symptoms whatsoever.  About 40% of women have a rectocele, but it is not found until a routine exam.  When symptoms do show themselves, they can usually be categorized as vaginal or rectal.

If it is rectal you might notice:

  • having trouble evacuating while trying to have a bowel movement
  • needing to press the back wall of the vagina or the space between your vagina and rectum to have a bowel movement.
  • If it is Vaginal you might notice: 
  • vaginal symptoms might feel like a sensation of fullness or a bulge in your vagina
  • tissue that is protruding out of your vagina
  • vaginal bleeding and discomfort with sexual intercourse.

If your rectocele is symptomatic while having bowel movements, it can cause excessive straining.  It will also cause the urge to try and have multiple bowel movements during the day along with discomfort in your rectum.

You might notice smearing or fecal incontinence since small pieces of your stool could be retained in the rectocele and seep out of the anus later.  If there is a significant amount of stool trapping it can cause an increase in your feeling of the need to have a bowel movement.  That is because your stool is stuck up in the rectocele and pushes back up into the low rectum when you stand.  This is what gives you the urge to have another bowel movement.

To know for sure if you have a rectocele, you must have an examination of both your vagina and rectum.  It is usually done bimanually or with a speculum.  There will also be a digital rectal exam done that will often demonstrate a weakness in (the side that is closest to the vagina) or the anterior wall of the rectum.

There is a special x-ray that is called a defecography that can confirm and picture the rectocele if it is there.  Throughout the exam, you will sit and be asked to poop on a commode that has been specially-designed for the procedure.  This will happen after you have had contrast material placed in your rectum, bladder, and vagina.

If there is a rectocele present, having this study done will document its size and how well you are emptying your rectum.  If your rectocele is more prominent than two centimeters or is holding a significant amount of contrast, it will be considered abnormal.

You are probably wondering how a rectocele can be ‘cured’ if the symptoms you are having are significant and interfere with your life.

Almost all patient’s with a rectocele can be handled without surgery.  It is necessary for you to maintain a good regimen in your bowel function to avoid constipation. You should never have to strain while having a bowel movement.  A high fiber diet is a good start.  You might try a fiber supplement, high fiber bars, or a high fiber cereal.

Whatever you do, you must increase the amount of ‘water’ you drink.  At least 6-8, ten-ounce glasses of water every day.  This combination of the fiber and all the water will help with bulkier and softer stools so that you do not have to strain while having bowel movements.  While having a bowel movement, try your best not to strain.  When you get the urge to have a bowel movement, let it happen.  Do what you can to avoid sitting for long periods of time on the toilet.

To make everything more comfortable for you, depend on Super Colon Cleanse.  It will help you have the easy go with no cramping, no pain, and it will be over with quickly.  You will be ever so glad you turned to Super Colon Cleanse. It should clean you out thoroughly and quickly.

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