Constipation And Bladder Incontinence Can Go Hand In Hand
I know it seems hard to believe, but it is certainly possible for you to suffer from urinary incontinence because you are constipated. Incontinence of your bladder is a symptom of something else, but not a disease of your bladder. It is your body’s way of telling you something is wrong, and you need to speak with your doctor about the issue.
Your doctor will tell you that there could be several reasons that might be causing you to be incontinent, and many of them are treatable.
But one reason for you to have urinary incontinence is if you are constipated. Make sure you tell your doctor if you have a history of chronic constipation.
Defining constipation
Having constipation is difficulty passing a bowel movement or having fewer than three bowel movements in a week. Not everyone has the same pattern for going to the bathroom. What may be normal for one person would not be normal for another? The ‘normal’ number can range from multiple times a day to a few times a week.
Here is a good questionnaire to help you determine if you are indeed suffering from constipation:
- Are your stools hard?
- Is it hard to have a bowel movement or do you have to strain when you go?
- Do you feel like when you are done that you are not done?
- Do you go three days between bowel movements?
- Do you often have bowel movements less than 2-3 times a week?
So, by now, you wondering how can my constipation be linked to my urinary incontinence?
There can be several reasons as to how constipation can cause urinary incontinence. Your history of straining during bowel movements can weaken your pelvic floor muscles, and they are important for bladder control. It is called stress incontinence, and it can be treated successfully or even cured.
A full bowel can be pressing against your bladder, leading to one or the other or both of the following: 1) blocking the flow of urine, making it hard to urinate and then causing your bladder to overflow, being known as overflow incontinence. 2) making you feel like you need to urinate more often which is called urge incontinence.
Your physician could think your incontinence of urine might be by a full bladder caused by constipation, he/she will treat your constipation and ask you to correlate your incontinence as it relates to your constipation before he considers any other types of incontinence treatments.
What is the Best Way to Prevent or Treat Constipation?
If you happen to be constipated, do try drinking more water (like 2-4 extra glasses a day, and it is better if it is warm) and eat more fiber-rich foods. And if you still are constipated after two weeks, you must call your doctor.
To keep from getting constipated again, it is important in keeping up that routine of a good high fiber diet, the daily recommended water intake of eight – 8 ounce glasses a day; unless your doctor has you on a restricted fluid intake);, Get regular exercise and address immediately instead of ignoring the messages and the urge to pass stool.
When you are suffering from urinary incontinence until you see your doctor or are waiting for your new therapy to start working, use some absorbent products to control the accidental leakage. You can also give it a try to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles with exercises.
There is always Colon Cleanse and Super Colon Cleanse to bring normalcy and a cleansing of your colon back to a normal routine. It will do it in a normal manner, cleansing as it goes without cramping or hurting. Just a smooth easy go for you when you follow the directions. A truly great product.